Thank you for purchasing a Drift & Flow Water Feature. To register your free 12 month warranty, please complete the form below before clicking the 'register warranty' button at the bottom.

Once submitted, you will be sent a secure confirmation email containing a unique reference number. Please keep this safe as you will need this as well as your proof of purchase if you need to make a future claim.

We recommend writing this number down and stapling your receipt to the inside-back page of the Assembly instructions booklet you will have received inside the box upon purchasing your Water Feature. If you do encounter any problems when completing this form, please contact our Customer Service team on: 01302 354500 or email:

Your information will be held only and will not be used, shared or sold with any other third party. We may contact you in relation to your warranty, any claim being made or to give support and guidance in relation to your Water Feature, but will not use your personal data for marketing purposes.